Monday 19 January 2015

challenges on mathematics education

The society has a great impact on learning, when it does not value some discipline like mathematics through its people. It is when youngest will fall in the same track. The persons' attitudes toward mathematics have affected much the learning and teaching of it. this has touched direct the life of learners causing them to dislike or like mathematics. to my views we have to change the attitudes of the youngest, and this will create a new generation of new and positive perceptions towards mathematics. one of the means towards this is the use ICT in mathematics teaching and learning. this will be possible by society through facilitators such as teachers, parents and other stakeholders.


  1. It is true that Mathematics education is a crucial one for anyone irrespective of one's subject orientations. With ICT integration, learning of Mathematics would be quite participatory and learner centred. The goodness of this is that this love of move will cascade to other children who are yet to join school who will try out calculations even from their phones.

    1. wambiya, ICT integration in learning and teaching changing the mind of many people. It will make them learn and achieve their goals in mathematics Education, leading to have many experts in this field. The most important thing is working cooperatively with positive attitudes that everything can be made possible despite of challenges.

  2. YOU /WE have to acknowledge that it is challenging to cause and adapt to change. Only our task is to stick to our guns, face the reality and advance.NO RETREAT, NO OTHER OPTION.

  3. can you tell me how the ICT will solve the problem of teaching and learning mathematics because on your post you have said that it is through ICT where the problem of mathematics will be solved

    1. possibly, we are aware that not all of them but those possible ones. for example instead of cracking you head solving questions on summation of 1000 data which are having more than 5 digits numbers you can use computer software or a calculators which will make the work simple.

    2. DEAR Ismail, I am very sure and confident that you now even use ICT in Mathematics. For example, use of Phones, Calculators ... And you will learn many ICT programms that will help you in teaching. Egs, Microsoft excel, Hotpotato, etc. Be patient and ready to learn. Thank you

  4. Courage is needed as well as proper modern pedagogy during instruction in order to obtain the intended positive outcomes which will change the majority's mindset that mathematics is the most incalculable discipline. perhaps this may assist to troubleshoot the challenge hence the learners love and specialize in maths.

    1. Nice, now what should be done to eradicate the mentality?

  5. Change is inevitable. We must change our teaching methods to make mathematics and science enjoyable

  6. changing means to develop and improve our approaches strategies, techniques and materials which are used in teaching and learning. doing this will make learners aware of the most challenging factors in their environment. We must be with positive attitudes toward our lives, so as to affect our generation in future.

  7. With the advent of ICT I now believe it is to learn Mathematics in a different but more adventurous way. This is because I have long not been a disciple of this subject but ICT has helped demystify the abstractions. Hurrah!

  8. ICT will only improve Mathematics teaching if a deliberate effort is put in place to encourage teachers to learn its use. Currently, the number of Maths teachers who are computer literate is too small to cause a reasonable impact. Therefore, there is need for retooling programmes.

  9. This is true. Many more mathematics teachers are needed who are computer literate in order to create the desired impact as Zabair says but again as we have agreed, ICT should be used with all subjects (integration) for greater good of society.

  10. we still need mind changers, those who adhere to change people's mind on what makes the world now. one may ask himself, why children of now days dislike even hearing the word mathematics. we need to use advanced science and its applications. we always get free materials on mathematics from free open electronic sources, where anyone is able to access without restriction, think of khan academy.
